"I can't argue against that statement. But, you should aim to be better than people. Especially people like her, both in power and attitude." She offered the life advice to her son, without further pointing out any issue she had with his speech to her mother. Benitsubaki, to her credit found something in this speech to be a bit familiar, not so much in words as in attitude. It felt like something she might have said herself to any of her children. As far as Benihime was concerned, her son was quite right, her mother was exceedingly rude, and to the redhead's knowledge, had simply always been this way. Beyond this point, it seemed that the woman didn't like to be excluded, and found the young boy's prying into her mind to be far too much. To her protest, Benihime turned back to her after receiving confirmation on her own assumptions. "I can, and will exclude you. So long as you are intent on not answering my questions. I didn't come here intending to be rude, but I won't allow you to act any way you please. So, if you wish to keep being impudent by all means, I'll find out what I need to know and leave without your help."

The woman looked at her eldest daughter and seethed. It was completely unheard of for such insolence to take place before her. She figured they'd simply been too lenient with their children, raising them out in the desert had made them wild, uncivilized, and downright disrespectful. This one wasn't even capable of using jutsu but felt the need to act high and mighty before her. She had no right to speak to her like this. Their clan was merit based, and her daughter had no merit. "You have no right to speak to me like that. You bring in an outsider to usurp the rules. And have the nerve to speak to me however you wish. I won't tolerate it, I don't know how you managed to kill Kou, but the same won't happen to me. If you really wish to challenge me in such a way, do it like an adult if you even can." her mother spoke these words standing up and emitting something dangerously close to murderous intent, but it lacked the edge of what it felt from people who were truly killers. A smirk came to the younger redhead's face as she spoke a single sentence that only addressed a very small part of the other woman's statement. "Hakudoshi isn't an outsider, any more than I am."