Aiko had very little time to think in the front of her mind, because soon enough the beasts large hand was flying towards her again. She jumped this time, landing atop it as she strode forward with light steps. She wasn't allowed to be a ninja, she wasn't allowed to use Shukaku, obviously she needed to resort methods she'd consider less conventional. All the avenues she'd normally use, were being cut off from her, but she tried to remember what this trial was set to prove. 'Alright, I am hunting something which by definition I shouldn't be capable of hunting...' she thought as the follow up roar sent her flying back towards the mountainside. As she flew she sheathed her weapon and took a few moments to gather her thoughts the impact which should have been jarring for her flat body would be tempered by movements meant to help slow her down a bit as she used her feet and legs bent at the knee to cushion the impact though it'd sent a shock-wave clean up her body which would stun her for a few seconds as she tried to recover. 'Hell, the only way I'd be able to do this, is if I was a beast like that myself...' she had this absent thought as she started to fall away from the rocks surface and towards the ground. "Oh... " she said as she made contact with the ground arms first.

If hitting this man with a sword wasn't an option, she'd have to use her body. But her body couldn't take any real damage. She'd have to try and stun him with something which wasn't part of her ninja arsenal. As her hands made contact with the ground claws were created from her extended fingers. She'd not done this consciously it was simply done as an after thought of the idea that she needed to be beast like. Her eyes glanced downward and she saw the difference remembering an odd skill possessed by Youko which she'd never thought much about. 'Oh, that must be what that is...' she thought. Still, she couldn't wait to see what happened, she ran towards the man again, this time, she didn't slide down she ran towards him aiming to hit him with her hand extended in an almost dagger like fashion in the right side of his torso. As she did this, she forced her own yin chakra into these newly created claws to add damage and would unwittingly try poisoning the large beast of a man. It was not a conscious thought, but an instinct, picked up from fighting against such ridiculous odds.