"Sou ka. She certainly has the Yonbi now. I had a first-hand experience to prove it... twice now." As far as Youko was concerned, the Akatsuki having multiple Bijuu was nothing to be incredibly worried about. In fact, Sunagakure and his family alone had a full third of the lot, with Toriko now making about half unclaimed by the criminal organization. There were a couple of unknowns floating around somewhere, but in general, he was without worry... until Toriko gave the true number of Akatsuki's members. "Ten? That's incredibly strange, unless..." Youko stopped there. He had a general idea in mind now, but he dared not speak it. "Never mind. It's not worth it anymore," he concluded. This sparked a statement from the unquestionably tallest individual in the room, Koji. "He's right. After what Akatsuki did to my sister, I'll have his head."

"Don't bother," Youko said. "Not much point in looking for the guy's head now; I put a hole in his chest months ago." This statement did not sit well with Koji, who thought up to this point that he knew anyone of repute. "You? Impossible. Akatsuki is an organization that threatens all countries. There's no chance a nameless nin showed up and killed their leader," the man replied. This, interestingly enough, caused Youko to do nothing but grin.