The Final Days

On the day before the final day of the academy year, hundreds of students and teachers alike were seated in the stands surrounding a small arena. A fighting stage lay at the center of said arena, occupied presently by a single man with a purple top hat over spiky, black and inky-green hair. This man seemed to be an announcer of sorts, while in fact, he was a Chief Instructor of the Shinou Academy. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" he called out, speaking through a Kidou spell known as Tenteikura, as to reach the ear of all present in a way similar to using a megaphone. "Today, we witness a new pair of legends in the making! Using the four forms of combat we teach here at Shinoreijutsuin, these two will face each other in combat to determine this year's valedictorian! I'm your host this evening, Sakaki Yusho! Allow me to introduce our combatants this for this special event! I give you the first choice of this year's First Class selection; a prodigy in the eyes of many: Nomura Daiki!"

As the crowd cheered, the black-haired, sapphire-eyed male named Daiki exited a corridor on the western side of the arena. He stepped out into the field left open for this event, looking toward the corridor on the opposite end of his own. "I also give you yet another prodigy, the underdog who has taken the academy by storm just the same: Niwatoko Benihime!" Yusho said, pointing an arm toward the other corridor.