"Are you still on that, there are way more interesting things going on right now.... a date can definitely wait. Science! Way more important than date~" she said, seeming to find the understanding with this more so than anything else. Right after she finished speaking, it seemed that Raizen had something to say about the power he'd really been offered by his Zanpakuto. He went on to say it had been something of a seduction which was a strange term to use so she questioned it further while the reached the new laboratory. "Your zanpakuto... tried to seduce you into using that power..." she started only to come to a very shocking realization. "Is your Zanpakuto female?" she asked as they arrived in front of a laboratory marked 'Special Research'. Upon reaching the laboratory she'd walk inside and point to a nearby examination table. Against the far walls were several tubes which were growing several stages of body which looked exactly like the android which had originally accompanied them to Hueco Mundo.