"Strong survival instincts... in a couple of Academy students?" the woman questioned in a mostly rhetorical fashion. "Tatsu-chan, remind me to look into that later," she mentioned as she stuck her lollipop back in her mouth. The type of brainstorming being done here, was something she rarely got to experience. Most weren't interested in hypothesizing or figuring out things that didn't work already, so she was enjoying this moment conversing with Raizen. His most recent statement made her smirk wickedly. "Your questions are brilliant. These are the sorts of things I intend to find out today. Of course, I can make guesses but without any physical evidence it would purely be conjecture and I like to have hard evidence before I make those sorts of assertions," the woman said with a hand resting on her hip.

Soon enough, the call of a specific name was answered by a young man who appeared to be more machine than man. This was of course, the point as the woman walked over to the computer screen so recently manipulated by Raizen and pulled up a couple of schematics. "I need you to go to lab six and set up this schematic with the materials listed. I need it done fast and then we're going to test it, by going to Hueco Mundo~" she said, to the younger boy's obvious distaste the woman could only laugh holding out a green lollipop for him. "Don't make that face Tatsu-chan, of course you can come along as well~" she said to him in particular before returning her attention to Raizen. "I spent the first part of the morning studying how the Hollows travel and I think I've figured it out. There is a rather distinct possibility of it failing though, I thought I should warn you, it appears that without proper Reiatsu control to create the path, one might fall into the void space between worlds, and disappear from existence. Of course, I will try to keep this from happening as much as possible, but I thought I'd warn of you of the possibility."