"YOSH!" chimed the captain of the Tenth Division. She was obviously exited to have someone so happily engaging in the discussion of her plans. When it was moved on to question how the rules would work, and the Tenth Division Captain rather suddenly went wide eyed. "Eh... I hadn't considered that... hmm... rules aren't my thing, Tamamura-taichou~ You're better at that sort of thing, pretty please?~" the 10th Division Captain said as she looked towards the Captain of the Sixth division with her hands clapped together a slight bow occurring. Such a sight made the smallest of smiles come to Tamamura's lips as she rather easily came up with a set of rules which would allow the participation for everyone. "Since you asked so nicely I suppose I could supply some simple rules. To keep it fair, there could be brackets to organize fighters. In a Captain versus Captain fight anything goes. If a Captain has to fight a Vice-Captain or lower they aren't allowed to release, unless there is a special case of that lower seated officer possessing Bankai, in which case the Captain would be allowed use of their Shikai for their own protection," the Captain said, unsurprisingly enough Midorima was at her seat taking notes, she was the Secretary of this organization after all. "And of course, no intentional killing of anyone else. Seems like that would be fair enough to still be entertaining for all parties," said Tamamura pausing to look towards Midorima. "Shinju-chan do you need me to repeat any of that?" she asked to which the young girl shook her head from left to right. "Iie, I got it all, arigatou gozaimasu, Tamamura-taichou." she said.

This made the 10th Division Captain look towards Kan'u, "Those rules seem okay to you? Would you be willing to fight if they were in place?"