"Sedating me would have been... troublesome?" she said this seeming to find it to be an odd thing for anyone to just admit to. Beyond this point the Captain of the Division was listening to what her Vice-Captain had to say, and she began counting. "Alright, that is pretty sound, within fifteen seconds anyone who can't take it will be unconscious again anyways. Anyone still awake in now... 5 seconds will be seated." she mentioned. Only to wait out the remaining few seconds to see how many were still standing. Benihime seemed to think this an odd thing to say, the confection within her mouth gave her plenty of energy... like resting for hours or days at a time would have. "Eh, you don't have to say all that..." the young redhead said rubbing the back of her head, seemingly embarrassed by the wide eyed look she was subsequently given by her Captain. She then watched to see what happened to the other recruits, she herself had never felt better.

The Captain of the Twelfth Divsion began speaking once more. "Ooh? She's the one who was supposed to be really strong huh... obviously... last test though... what does that lollipop taste like to you?" she asked the young redhead who seemed to look a bit confused. It had a bitter sort of flavor behind something ever so slightly sweet. "Licorice. The lolly tastes like licorice, not my favorite but... I've had worse. It's really interesting though..." she mentioned seeming to find it a bit strange.