Interestingly enough, the 4th Division's Vice-Captain would not be without her bathing suit when she emerged from the water. Somehow, everything had been replaced in the time it took her to return to the surface. Kan'u took note of this when the blonde was shouting her name, and looked onward in confusion. "What!? No. No, no... NO!" she chanted. "That's too many types of unfair! How did you even do that?!" Kan'u seemed outraged by this occurrence, and she literally had no clue how such a thing had occurred. In actuality, this was done by the effort of a particular Captain of the 13th Division, who happened to have an ability which allowed him to move in and out of marked locations without being noticed. This Megumi just happened to have such a marker on her person.

Behind a nearby beach house, a group from the Shinigami Men's Association stood in hiding. Their leader, the black-haired Captain of the 7th Division, looked toward the blonde 13th Division Captain and slammed a fist upon his head when he suddenly reappeared in the group. "BAKA! Are you trying to get us all caught already!?" he asked. After receiving such a blow to the head, the 13th's Captain - Namikaze Minato - rubbed the top of his head with one eye closed. "Ouch! You're the one who's going to get us caught with all that yelling!"