In previous decades, when demigods first reached such a capacity in the mortal realm that they could make a society of their own, a select few gods gifted them with a camp in which they could socialize with other demigods while learning to control and utilize the powers they inherited from their deity parents. Eventually, the demigods staged an uprising, believing themselves to be deserving of a place in Olympus itself due to their vast superiority to mere mortals. This is the end result of that uprising: New Olympus. This haven for demigods is positioned at the foot of Mount Olympus itself, where demigods may be separated from mortals while being close enough to the gods to be sheltered and monitored, yet far away enough that they may not reach the gods themselves.

In New Olympus, there are residential sanctuaries dedicated to the children of each Olympian (based on the status and preferences of their parentage), as well as various facilities to form a true and proper societal structure for its demigod residents. Some deities may even choose to visit New Olympus, and there are frequent representatives of the gods traveling to and from this location to care for New Olympians, as well as to bring them to New Olympus from the mortal realm.