Prior to his departure, Hermes not only left Athos with some sort of parting gift to solidify their agreement, but also a few parting words. He'd heard stories of these Furies, and none were at all pleasant. Still, the white-haired lad would do anything to be left in peace. Slight interaction with Hermes could lead to not worrying about Poseidon, and that would leave him to his own devices for as long as he alone could manage.

Once Hermes was nowhere to be seen, Athos gazed upon the satchel on the ground. It was small, brown, and rather simple-looking for the artifact of a deity. He reached out to take it, only to pull it into his chest and hold it there as he sat in silence. The only thing to break this silence was the clinking of various chains and jewelry pieces worn by Athos as his arm moved to retrieve the satchel, though this was short-lived. 'Where are you, Invi?'