"Monsters, huh?" unlike most instances of Deianira speaking she seemed to be a bit excited and in a very different way. The idea that there were monsters moving about the island and that they were aiming to keep Athos away was a bit daunting, but... if one got past that minor detail, then there was the last thing which would be clear about the young woman. "Something new to hunt~" she said with a hint of something different. "So, he's trying to keep you away, huh? I'm going to get an earful about whatever you said to him last time I take it~" the young woman said seemingly amused before she hopped off the edge of the boat and headed for shore with the swiftness which most wouldn't have expected of her. As soon as she made footfall on the land she took off at a run her eyes dancing across the various creatures which moved about in the moonlight here. She hid the the shadow of a large tree right at the edge of the forest and waited for Athos, watching several cyclops move about in front of the clearest path towards what had to be the forge of Hephaestus by the sound which reverberated across the entirety of the island.