Deianira listened to the young man who didn't seem to like the times listed about the travel options. She'd known he wouldn't like the idea of traveling through the city, but she'd decided to throw it out as an option. A chuckle ensued and the girl snapped her fingers. "Baby steps~" she chimed, fine with this outcome she also moved towards the boat. "Alright move the boat faster, if you like... just don't forget to enjoy the views~" she said. "Oh and watch out for icebergs..." the young woman said of the area closer to their target, she wasn't really happy with the idea that she might be forced into a cold swim. It seemed that Athos was also able to pick up the fang he needed to carry. "So, question, is the Gorgon thing up for conversation or will that get me the silent treatment for the next leg of this trip?"