"If there is one thing Count Dracula can be given credit for, it is being exceedingly clever. Still, there may be a bit of the latter at work here," Sorin said as his wife took a side to him again. Now that her curious mind had been somewhat set at ease, she showed interest in the more immediate developments of her existence as a vampire. There was much ground to cover, though most of it would simply come with time. Most pressing was the clarification of her body's movements. If she remained unaware of her own abilities, she would continue to suffer, and he couldn't have that.

Sorin moved toward a very specific item within the study; it was a scale model of the adult human skeletal and muscular structure. Upon reaching it, he gestured toward it with his right hand to draw the Countess' attention. "There is an interesting difference between the bodies of humans and vampires. You've seen the strength boasted by one such as us, and you've tasted the power of Mistwalking. The two are one and the same. Look upon this mortal body. Bones hold the body's integrity, while the mind sends messages to the muscles to move bones at their joints. The human body is limited by itself; the strength of a muscle against the bone it moves is impeded by many things, including the weight of both. So... what is missing? A normal vampire is physically no different from a walking corpse, yet their strength and speed far surpasses mankind, and their bodies do not decay."