Alina expressed her lack of understanding for the confessions Sorin, and others of faith, took to be absolved of their sins. This much was to be expected. She was a demon of higher caliber than most, and thus had always been connected to Satan in some way, be it direct or otherwise. "Confessions are delivered directly to the Lord, Alina. By admitting to our wrongdoings, we are cleansed of our sins. I do not expect you to understand." In the midst of this discussion, Alina voiced her opinion in the form of rhetoric. What could she have meant by it, though? If it had not been the blood alone calling out to him, then what else?

There was much to consider about this woman Sorin had encountered. At this very moment, though, he preferred the idea of moving past this ordeal with a fine cup of tea. Soon after his request, it was brought to him with accompanying cakes to sate his apparent sweet-tooth. Surely this would serve the purpose of quelling him. As sugar-filled as it was by Alina's assertion, it had to match the craving he'd experienced earlier this night. He took the cup before anything else. "I'll live an eternity. I think I can handle a few minutes worth of wait for tea," he said while raising the cup to his lips. The first sip was one which would make most men turn their heads. Its bouquet was almost that of raw sugar, yet precisely what Sorin had requested. But, that's not all the first sip was; it was also the only sip. "Augh!" he exclaimed, immediately tossing the cup full of tea onto the floor before the throne. Something about it was infuriating. It just... wasn't a match. "How did I, for even a moment, believe I could substitute my craving with tea!? Mankind has nothing that could sate this thirst!"