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Thread: [Transylvania] Castlevania

  1. #141
    Sorin was of a mind to sleep until his senses alerted him to Kasmina's waking. It seemed, however, this was not fated to be. Costel Dacian was once again proving to be a thorn in his side - more so than he had been previously. Alina standing next to his coffin caused the young Count to stir within. Only a matter of seconds passed before the coffin's stone lid shifted to the side of the vessel, falling onto the ground. Sorin levitated from within. His eyes remained closed as he rose into the air, both arms crossed over his chest even while his body shifted into a vertical position. His senses told him roughly how many hours it had been since he slept, and it was a relatively short amount of time. "You've woken me for an annoyance?" he asked, though his ears could hear the continued knocking at the castle's entrance.

    Something of a sixth sense activated in Sorin, acting in a manner akin to sonar. Through each knock, he gained a clearer picture of the body standing outside the castle. He recognized this form upon visualizing it with his mind's eye. It was annoying indeed. His voice escaped him once again, and it did so in a manner that suggested this as a tiresome turn of events. "Baron Costel Dacian. He's come all this way, and for what? I will see to this," he said, looking briefly toward Kasmina's coffin. "She seems to have taken to the blood very quickly. To be born mortal, and to have such a powerful soul. If she'd been a Belmont, I believe I would have been slain long ago."

    Sorin would see to the Costel matter right away. His levitation brought him slowly to the ground, but when he made footfall, he did so suddenly at the front door. The door opened then, perfectly between two knocks upon it. It was then that Sorin looked upon the black-haired Baron with his usual, glistening violet gaze. "Good afternoon, Baron. Is there a matter I can assist you with?"

  2. #142
    Alina lowered her curtsy just a bit. "Normally, I wouldn't have bothered you Master. But I assumed this was the best course of action. I shall stay by the Lady's side until you return," mentioned the demon maid as it became obvious that Sorin would be going to deal with the nusience which was Baron Dacian. She found herself looking towards her Mistress' coffin as her master mentioned the strength of the young woman's soul. A smile came to Alina's face in this moment as she found it to be very interesting information. "Oh? The Mistress is so intriguing. I have a hard time reconciling that thing outside is her father..." she mentioned seemingly in awe of the young woman while not moving from the spot.

    Sure enough the Baron's knocking continued. He'd worked himself into something of a fervor. His face reddened and his arm tired. Knocking against this door but between two knocks rather suddenly the door opened and he had to stop his fist from making contact with Sorin's body. "I... uh..." he was stunned there was no obvious sound from behind the door. He'd not known what to expect, but he didn't expect the maid to so rudely disappear before. "I was told you weren't accepting visitors. I need to see my daughter, it is a matter of utmost urgency!" he claimed after lowering his hands to his sides. Of course, this matter of urgency, was that he'd gotten into a betting war with the elder Hendryck and needed his daughter to smooth over the debt with the younger Hendryck. This was of course, something Kasmina was always capable of, and he had no idea how the girl ever managed to pull this off. But on the rare occasions after his second marriage that he'd managed to get into this kind of trouble, his daughter had managed to bail him out of it. This was not something he'd readily admit to his daughter's new husband though. It was already obvious that the man didn't like him very much, and there was nothing he could do to change this now. And it was a matter of urgency as the Hendrycks always called forth their debts within a short amount of time, though they were also just as forthcoming with the payments.

  3. #143
    There was one thing Sorin had not been made privy to upon his waking. Costel sought the attention not of Sorin, but of Kasmina. Whatever he wanted was something he was content to call urgent, but from Sorin's understanding, there were few things that could be considered urgent matters as soon as this, the day after the wedding Costel hadn't even bothered being present for. Sorin was quite disappointed by this thought alone. "She seemed happy, you know? Perhaps you could have spared her your ego for the sake of sharing a moment of joy." He wasted no time explaining himself upon saying this, feeling as if explanations were unnecessary at this point. Still, Sorin could not bet on the chance that his wife's father truly had an important matter to bring them. He turned away from the Baron, but left the door open and beckoned for the portly male to follow suit. "Very well. Come, Baron Dacian."

    Sorin's path took him to the room in which his throne was situated, even though illusions had yet to be put back in place to hide the incredibly advanced technology present in Castlevania's lighting and other such fixtures. In his absence though, a second throne had been placed at the end of this great hall. The Count of Sibiu took a moment to admire the new look of the room, then seated himself in the throne to the viewers' left to address the Baron's concern. "Kasmina is somewhat... occupied at the moment, I'm afraid. You will have to take up your matter of urgency with me."

  4. #144
    There was much that Sorin apparently didn't know about this situation, but he seemed content enough to bring attention to the fact that the Baron Dacian hadn't attended their wedding. This was in fact, true, he couldn't drag himself from his study, and when he ran out of liquor at home he instead drug himself to a tavern. While there he heard from everyone present about the grand spectacle about the wedding of his only daughter. How beautiful she looked, how happy she was, how stunning the moment of their official wedding had been. It was all rubbish, it sent the man into a further depression which he hadn't been able to explain. "I have heard. The whole town was talking about it, my wife told me. And even Cosmin seemed to think something of it, not that he speaks yet. I am already regretting that I didn't attend," the man said. And though these words were fatherly and somewhat caring they weren't meant in the same fashion that most would assume. Costel figured if he'd actually attended the wedding he wouldn't have found himself in the Taverns losing bets to Hendryck and having to come up with payment or risk losing what was left of his. But that didn't really matter.

    Soon enough Costel was within this building and left to look around in awe. He'd never seen anything of this size or magnitude. With his daughter living in a place like this, he could imagine she could afford anything she wanted. Fixing the matter of his debts would be an easy thing, and she was giving enough that he wouldn't have to worry about anything. Strangely enough, the lightning in this place was rather different from what he was used to... but to him, that only reeked of further extravagance. 'Those lights are unlike any I've ever seen before. I wonder what else I could get out of her before she has her own kids...' he wondered. Cosmin had already been taken care of by this Count who wouldn't go back on his word, but obviously it would be left to Kasmina to look after her father since her husband didn't like him very much. As they entered the throne room, Costel took a few steps towards it, noticing the secondary seat which would obviously be for his daughter. "My daughter is occupied? With what? It's after noon..." he was disgusted by the idea of his daughter not seeing him. And about having to explain himself to her husband. "It's really much easier if I speak to Kasmina directly. No offense intended of course, but this is a matter only she can see to. It pertains to her friend Hendryck and only she will understand what needs to be done," he explained gently urging and even aiming for politeness to get the face of his daughter instead of her husband this day.

  5. #145
    It became apparent to Sorin that Costel was privy to the science filling Castlevania, but that didn't particularly matter. What did matter to him was the thoughts in this man's mind. Even with his daughter married away, this man sought to gain profit for himself and the toddler of his household. That he would disregard the well-being of his firstborn was atrocious. Still, Sorin wished to hear the Baron's plea. The Baron himself, on the other hand, wished only to discuss this matter in private with his daughter... something Sorin could not allow.

    As Sorin's head rested against the back of his left hand, his right leg crossed over his left at the knee. A sigh passed his lips into the outside world. "My sincerest apologies, Baron. There is nothing that can be done. The lady cannot be seen at present, no matter how badly you wish to see her. If this matter is truly one of utmost urgency, I would ask that you either speak with me now, or return in a few days to address Kasmina. I assure you I will treat you fairly, if that is a concern of yours."

  6. #146
    It seemed that Costel would not be taking well that his daughter could not be seen presently. "Cannot be seen? For three days?!" it was outrageous. 'What has this fiend done with my daughter?' he questioned. Even though he wasn't much as a father to his daughter, he didn't like the idea that she could be dead or worse... beyond this the words of the Vampire Hunter also drifted in his mind, and such information let him know that there were things far worse than death for his daughter if she was caught up in anything dangerous were to occur here. "DAUGHTER!! KASMINA!!! I AM HERE I WILL SEE YOU NOW!!" her father would go on to shout as if a petulant child told he could not have something he wanted. Such distress had it come from a place of true caring it might have been understandable.

    Unknown to Costel his daughter was indeed unable to be seen, because she was within a coffin. But as her consciousness stirred for the first time the lid of her coffin shifted. Alina stood at the side and waited for the woman to come out. And she did, in a rush of energy and the entire stone lid being shoved to the side. "I can smell him from here. If I had an appetite, I've already lost it. Am I really not allowed to enjoy the early days of marriage without interruption?! I can hear him from here, tantruming like a child," the young woman scoffed her eyes still closed as her body floated towards the ground where her feet would eventually make contact with the floor. Alina took to her curtsy and spoke to the woman. "Good mornin', Mistress. My apologies, I assure you it was the Master's intention to be the first face you saw. But the Baron Dacian said he had an urgent matter to discuss with you, and would not leave until he spoke with you. I imagine the Master is trying, and failing at getting him to see reason in this matter," filled in the maid as she watched the newborn Vampire get her bearings together. Finally the young woman's eyes opened and widened only to immediately close. "So much light... my head hurts... disgusting. There is hardly anything you should apologize for, if anything my father should be apologizing for waking me from my sleep. But... I should just go see him. It would be a shame to leave Sorin to deal with my unruly father," she said of her father, knowing such a headache shouldn't be her husband's to deal with. As she moved though, Alina appeared in front of her, and bowed. "The Mistress is too kind. If I might, I will transport you directly in just a moment, but... your father is mortal, and your eyes, pretty as they are will give you away," she mentioned seeming to think such a deception would be within the woman's line of thought.

    "Ah... of course. What do you suggest?" she asked Alina who smiled. "A minor form of illusion magic, should allow you to visualize your previous eyes and have them appear that way to all around you until you choose to change them. It might take a few moments though..." she mentioned. Such a thing was hard for some to pull off, but given how easily the young woman had become a vampire, Alina figured she could do this with the greatest of ease. Kasmina closed her velvety red eyes once more and gave her thoughts over to concentrating. After a moment when she opened them again they were the emerald green of her mortal self. "Will that suffice?" she asked... Alina looked at the young woman and nodded. "Yes, Mistress. A perfect match to the first time I saw you..." she said before holding out her hand for the woman so that she could teleport her just outside the door. But as Kasmina touched her, those now green eyes widened once more, as she pulled her hand back. "What sorcery is this?" she said seeming to find something strange in her perception of this woman's skin. "One step at a time Mistress... I can hardly say what it is you are feeling now. The Master should be more helpful," she said. Kasmina went on to touch the young woman and immediately find herself outside the door to the hall like chamber. Her father's voice still echoing about the room. "The Countess Kasmina Phantomhive," announced Alina as the doors opened to reveal the pair of them. Her father immediately stopped and turned walking towards her. "Father, yelling like a petulant child is hardly becoming," she said as a greeting which made the man pause as his daughter walked past to take the seat at Sorin's left. "Good morning, husband. My sincerest apologies for leaving you to deal with this... I had a bit of trouble waking properly," she offered with a gentle upturn of her lips.

  7. #147
    "Yes, three days maximum. I would see a messenger sent to you otherwise," was Sorin's initial response to the Baron. He understood that a three day wait was somewhat ridiculous, but it was also ridiculous to demand entry to the home of a Count, only to then demand personal audience with the Countess. Father or not, this was a level of disrespect Sorin could hardly tolerate. Even worse was his outright yelling for the woman's attention. "Baron, I've had enough of this outrage! If you insist on such insolence, I will have you removed from the castle immediately!"

    Just then, Sorin's ear twitched. Dealing with the Baron had dulled his senses to the waking of his wife, but even with that being the case, Alina had now called an introduction to court for the vampire Countess. This introduction allowed the woman to enter in all her glory and radiance as Sorin recalled from the night before. She even went on to seat herself on the appropriate throne next to Sorin's. "And the best of mornings to you, my lady. I should be the one to apologize for your late waking. I'm certain the conditions for sleeping are quite different to what you would be accustomed to..." Sorin rather quickly adapted to speaking in this form of code to offset the ear of listening mortals. He didn't linger long on this exchange, choosing instead to divert his attention briefly to the Baron. "Congratulations, Sir Dacian; you've successfully disturbed my wife with childish dribble. I hope this matter of yours is truly worthwhile."

  8. #148
    It seemed that the Baron Dacian would have been content to argue but soon enough his daughter appeared before him. The radiance of her seemed to be something he'd never seen before, she was quite enamoring. Now he was wishing he'd seen her in her wedding dress the day prior to this one, not that it mattered much now. As he'd been effectively shut up, Kasmina took her seat and found it comfortable enough but was quite distressed by something else, she could hear everything see everything and looking directly to her father didn't make this any better. She blinked her eyes and soon found her head resting against the side of her hand. "That is hardly anything to be apologizing for," she said before directing her gaze to her father. "You on the other hand, are entirely too loud and much too worked up, father. Especially when you consider that you couldn't even be bothered to leave your room for my wedding..." she said. The Baron's eyes widened and he managed to look like a sheepish child.

    "Yes, daughter, my... sincerest apologies. I would not have disturbed you today but the matter could not wait. If you would not mind speaking to me privately for just a few moments," she said aloud. 'Ugh, I can't believe I'm apologizing. How desperate I've become.' he tsked in his mind, disgusted with himself. Kasmina turned up her nose. "You should be disgusted with yourself. Asking a man's wife for a private audience. In his castle, after making such a ruckus, even as my father you should feel ashamed. The audacity is astounding. Say what you need to say already... I doubt it's worth waiting for," The Baron Dacian was completely taken aback. 'I didn't think I said that aloud...' the thought of his commentary. "Daughter... I... Kasmina... I just..." he tried to put together another sentence after his original thought, but he was so caught off guard he could hardly manage. It would be during this time that Kasmina's face would retain a certain level of blankness. She was trying to figure out what was going on with her person and trying to sift through a lot. Perhaps this was why she didn't need to be bothered right now. But she was far from caring about it further at this moment. A few more moments speech could and should get rid of her father.

    "I need you to speak with Hendryck," he said not speaking on the matter further. Kasmina knew what this meant, but didn't like the idea that her father was skirting around admitting his shortcomings in this moment. "Hendryck? I won't do it." she said calmly. This made the Baron's eyes widen, and he immediately began to panic. His body flushed with a cold sweat and he began to plead with a great fervor. Forgetting even that it was his hope to avoid speaking about himself in front of his son-in-law. "But... if you don't I will lose three months profits and 90 percent of the farm. I... bet it yesterday in the game. Hendryck listens to you..." he finished which caused Kasmina to scoff. She managed to look only mildly bored, instead of infuriated. But in her head, was a different story. 'Christ in heaven, grant me strength. Stay my hand and heart against these unholy thoughts.' she prayed to keep herself from wanting to murder her father as she twisted the ring on her finger with her thumb. "You made a bet like that... and you think I can fix it." and after that, laughter, the young woman couldn't help herself. She'd seen this situation far too often and knew far too well it was exactly what her father expected. In this moment the Baron Dacian had all but forgotten about Sorin's presence as he stood with his eyes transfixed on his all but hysterical daughter.

  9. #149
    The lord of the castle sat and waited patiently for this meeting to move on to something of importance. Kasmina seemed to take the same issue with the Baron as Sorin himself, considering his method of approach and intentions of a private audience with the Countess. Even if Sorin wanted to allow this sort of thing, the timing of his wife's transformation meant he couldn't. He was proven right when she replied to words that had not fallen from the Baron's mouth. Sorin's eyes widened immediately, then shifted to the woman at his left. 'It's as I thought. You've not been awake long enough to adjust. Focus, my dear. Some words you hear may not have been spoken aloud.' The words in Sorin's mind were spoken with the intention of them reaching the subconscious of his wife. Though he'd never sired a vampire before now, he knew how vast the differences between mortals and ones such as themselves were, and Kasmina was sure to need some time to adjust. Intending to do away with this meeting, he spoke directly to the Baron. "Sir Dacian, you seem to be misinformed on how the court of Castlevania functions. Those in need may come here with requests, but bad decisions made by the wealthy have never been my concern. I would ask you to leave now, that my wife may rest her weary mind."

  10. #150
    Kasmina heard the words of her husband in her head, and in this moment they felt like silk against her mind. She fought the desire to nod but shifted her gaze to him and acknowledged she'd heard him. It took a great deal of her focus to avoid answering any of the other words in her father's mind. "But but... Daughter!" the man continued trying to appeal to the young woman. "Three months pay and 90 percent of the farm.... is so much, your husband does not concern himself with us. But would you..." he was inclined to mention her young brother and stepmother as he tended to do to appeal to her but Kasmina held her up hand to stop his speech. "Father you should stop speaking now and leave, because what you are about to say would make me speak to you in a way one should never speak to their parents. Excuse yourself please..." she asked as politely as she was able. 'Umph, this vile fiend has turned my daughter against me!' his mind shouted seemingly outraged. But without even an utterance of goodbye the man left the room and was escorted by Alina back out of the front of the Castle. Kasmina's eyes closed and she exhaled a breath she hadn't known she was holding. 'Thank you Lord for the strength to carry on. Amen...' the prayer whispered in her mind was sincere and heartfelt and it would be very obvious how the strength of this young woman's soul had developed to such a level. "Though I do not believe in bailing my father out of his debts, in the past, I had not a choice. Not doing so would have ended way worse, for myself, my stepmother and Cosmin. If it is not asking too much, could you see to it, that my stepmother and brother are fed while my father suffers his incompetence."

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