Eira continued to sit with that same demeanor she'd had the entire time they'd been speaking. Much to her original thought, this man hadn't just stopped in for a visit to congratulate her on her up and coming peerage. No he intended to marry her, and what was more he'd already talked to her father about the ordeal. She would have expected such a thing, if she'd ever spoken to this man in more than passing before this moment. They weren't in love seeking marriage, he was a strong guy seeking further title by having a strong woman at his side. In this moment though, Eira still managed to smile, given the situation it'd be surprisingly bright, almost like she was happy. But her words would make it obvious just what her mood was. "Daddy's a smart man, so when's the Rating Game and what are the conditions," she said, knowing the man before her had a complete peerage while she didn't. Her father had predicted she'd have a problem with her supposed marriage, and she did, she had no intention of even answering it as a potential. Ruin Queen and the Armageddon King, as if she'd ever want the man before her.