Sirtreize's words and actions towards this Fallen Angel only served to further confuse her. And the thought that his sister could apparently take her, made her believe she was right to retreat. Surprisingly enough, Eira let her go, seeming to be a bit huffy as she crossed her arms under her rather massive chest. "I'll save it for later, there is no need to give chase at present, perhaps they will take a while and reconsider. And if not my peerage could use the battle experience later..." Eira said aloud to her brother, figuring he might be a bit curious about her decision to allow this Fallen Angel to flee. But Eira herself was nothing if not practical and tactical. After the flight of the Fallen Angel and post Eira directly addressing Sirtreize, he went on to give her what could amount to a chiding for how she chose to address him. A small smile formed over her face in this moment, and she somehow managed to seem the tiniest bit embarrassed, which was unusual given her general demeanor, "Fine, fine, no need to talk my head off about it... Arigatou~ Nii-sama~", she finished up.

If she was about to continue talking it would be put on hold, as Takumi's mind was apparently blown. She looked towards the young man and realized that it had been a lot going on for him in the last couple of days. "Gomen Takumi, there is a lot you probably don't know about... and it's going to take a massive amount of time to explain. Quick version..." Eira tried to think of the easiest way to explain what she knew of his questions to him. "Red Dragon Emperor is the title given to the person who holds the Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear. Which is what your once thought Twice Critical evolved into. It has within it the soul of one of the Heavenly Dragons... You can probably talk to it yourself to find out more information. He seems to be quite talkative..." she mentioned for the first part, and in consideration of all the things she'd heard his Sacred Gear utter over the last few days. "A Fallen Angel is likely what you think it is. It was once on the side of God in Heaven and was cast out for sinning, basically. But they can still use light based weaponry which is poisonous to Devils, so you should be careful when dealing with them," she mentioned as a side note. "Satan, back in the super old times was a single guy, but then it became a title applied to Four different people. This is Sirtreize Lucifer, known as the Crimson Satan. He's currently one of four Satans, formerly known as Sirtreize Gremory. He's my older brother," she clarified just in case that part of their greeting was missed. "That's a lot to take in though, we can include more information about this stuff with your combat training rotation if you'd prefer... it can seem a bit overwhelming if you try to think about too much at once," she mentioned. For this lad to be so fresh onto being a Devil, he was encountering a great many kinds of beings which would have been unknown to him in his human life.