The attackers had already been captured, and once they had been... their unconscious selves were dragged along to the Occult Club Meeting Room. But, they'd be dealt with more directly at a later time. Several hours later in fact. After the waking of one Yasukawa Takumi, who'd found himself to be stripped down to his underwear and very much alive even after falling off the school roof. A light yawn would come from Takumi's left, where a very naked Eira Gremory lie. She moved her right hand across him and touched his chest leading up to his face to turn it towards her, crimson locks shifted around her naked form as her scarlet eyes narrowed. "Awake already, Takumi?" she asked as if she didn't already know the answer, her eyes immediately softened upon seeing that this lad was actually alright. "I owe you an apology, you should continue to take it easy..." she said. "I heard the first day can be a bit taxing, but it will get better..." she said as she pulled this young man into her naked body. "Takumi, I meant to give you a choice, sumimasen..." she whispered earnestly to the lad. She'd done something she wouldn't have normally considered doing, and felt deeply apologetic for it. Whatever the case was... she'd soon have to let this young man go, and explain all that had happened to him over the last few hours.