"Of course not, won't stop the suggestion though~" said Maiko. She'd done a pretty good job of throwing her attacks but she kept finding them smashing against barriers. She also found the one that had her Twinkle Aegis slammed against it, turned the powers of the shield in on itself making it so it bounded off of it, instead of smashing through it. Maiko herself was left to deal with the recoil, finding the whole of her person bounding off a barrier only to soon enough catch a barrage of what would have normally been healing energy but instead was damaging. She aimed to pull her shield in close and block the rays, which she succeeded in doing, but there was no energy coming from her weapon of choice as such she was left without much proper defense and tossed clear away from the battle field. "Ouch, ouch, ouch... it's still hard to defend against magic," she mumbled as she laid out in the grass trying to get herself together. Still there was a large grin on her face, she'd enjoyed the match regardless of the outcome. "You're gonna teach me that magic, then I'm coming back for round 2," she said holding her now empty right hand up in the air with a thumb up to show how she felt about the situation. "Yare yare, all that and she still acts solely based on her physical prowess... still... that's some pretty good progress," said Eira aloud for the first time in quite some time. She stood and walked forward stretching and calling for the next match as this one was already over. "Arigatou Gozaimasu, Hiroki and Maiko. I have enough information about the two of you..." she said knowing the order this pair now played in her potential game. "Youmu, Miyuki could you two go next?" she asked, which resulted in the black haired girl appearing on the ground nearby in a black pair of hakama and a black over coat with a white under piece beneath it, with a badge over one of her arms. "Hai!" she mentioned.

Meanwhile Youmu's conversation was brought to a close mostly by the end of the previous match. "I thought there was something missing from her explanation. Like where all of this came from, and why she's so upset... oh well, I guess I will find out when I need to know," she mentioned, willing to wait for their leader to tell her the information she wanted to know. And with that she began to sink from her current position down through the floors. "Izzun, good luck." she mentioned in her passive way before she disappeared from sight and pushed herself out.