Senbu HQ

The Main Building

The Senbu Headquarters are located beneath the Sabertooth Guild, underground, while still being on the air island. The entrance building is quite huge, despite being under the ground, and carries the kanji of "Sen" (殲, massacre) above the entrance. Once entering the building, the entrance leads to the Equipment Department, where the new members are given a set of regular Senbu clothes, a sword and a mask. The dark corridor on the left takes one to the chambers, which is the place where the specific Mission and Ranking Board for the Senbu are located. Any direct orders from the guild master are announced here. The place is illumiated by the reflected sunlight coming from above. However, there still is no direct exit to outside. It is also possible to find locker rooms, where changing clothes is possible.

The Senbu, short for Senmetsu Butai (殲滅部隊; literally meaning "Annihilation Squad"), take orders directly from the guild master, performing special high-level missions. The Senbu usually works in teams formed to the requirements of the mission, ensuring maximum success. The mages in the Senbu are hand-picked by the guild master, chosen for their individual capabilities and special skills. Age, gender, background, or previous rank bears no weight in this decision. Members can be relieved from the Senbu by the guild master and reassigned elsewhere. They wear their masks even in their own guild, for their identity as a Senbu agent is to be known only by the guild master. Senbu are under direct control of the guild master, and therefore, can not be arrested by the regular police forces without a warrant. The Senbu also has its own unique ranking within itself and is known as the previous guild master's legacy, as he was the one who had co-founded it along with Haru.

The Senbu has a rankings system of its own. Members at the Adept Mage level are classified as Novice Senbu members. Members at the S-Rank Mage level on the other hand are classified as Master Senbu members. It should be noted, however, that a novice member doesn't necessarily have to be at the average level of an adept mage. This is caused by Senbu's rankings, which are based on the individual's capacity of magic only (opposed to the individual's ability to fight in general). A novice member could have weak magic but also excel in assassination skills, making him at the level of an S-Rank mage. Additionally, there is a special rank class called Mukan no Goshou (無冠の五将, Crownless Generals). It consists of five Senbu members that are considered to be exceptionally powerful, around the level of a normal guild master, both at magic capacity and fighting skills. These five are specifically acknowledged by the guild master for their strength, and are the only ones to be given SS-Rank missions.

Most Senbu predominately wear some kind of mask to conceal their identities; predominantly animal-styled porcelain masks, with some opting for more menacing looking creatures. They also have standard uniforms which consist of black clothing, a grey jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes for travelling into mountainous regions, three pouches on their back-waist and a signature spiral tattoo on their shoulder. Some Senbu wear black cloaks over their standard uniforms, and squad leaders may wear white cloaks. Most of them carry a sword, which is usually strapped to their backs. Although the uniform can vary slightly from one Senbu to another, since underneath their clothes each member wears a personal attire, the only single distinguishing garment they all wear is a short, black, midriff jacket, with red straps over the shoulders.

They protect the guild, and in some cases Fiore itself, from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy territory, and deal with extremely strong mages and demons. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations, tracking, surveillance, and missions requiring specially trained mages. Some Senbu serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy mages to learn information valuable to the guild.