Upon hearing what the young man with her had to say about his earlier speech Iris' eyes widened and she turned her head to look at him directly. In her time in this guild she hadn't recalled seeing this young man drink and seeing how he reacted and hearing what he had to say... she realized why this was the case. "Oh my... aren't you an honest man while you're drinking? Got any other confessions to make?" she asked as she sipped from her glass at a leisurely pace, mostly because she was slightly interested in what else would fall out of his mouth while he was still drinking. As this continued on, it became more and more obvious that this man indeed had a bit of a problem handling his liquor which was interesting. "Strongest Mage in Fairy Tail... huh? I'm sure Sis is gonna have lots to say about that, and Genbu too~" said teasing just a tad as she finished her drink and though her ears were tinted a tiny bit there weren't any other signs that she'd been consuming anything other than water. She reached for the bottle then and attempted to pour herself some more. "Fine~ I'll help you out with that then... wouldn't want you going and doing anything crazy while you're... 'off your rocker'." she said that last bit with quote fingers while holding the bottle a huge grin on her face.