It seemed their conversation would continue and while it did, Calypso found herself chuckling until of course the ship moved. A phenomenon even she felt atop her crystal ball. A frown would come to her face as the previous sentence would go unfinished and instead a bit about rude guests would be given. But knowing of the activation of Azazel's magic, she didn't react beyond an annoyed huff. "Oh the children of the world. You would think they'd learn already not to board random sky ships they weren't invited to. I considered continuing to hide the ship... but that is also kind of boring." she said giving a nonchalant wave of her own with that clawed hand in the black haired man's general direction. "You were saying?" she asked wondering what that line of thought was leading to in this man's mind. And though she could have simply inserted herself into his memory and found out, it seemed like a waste of energy to do so, when she was just as likely to receive an answer without having to do anything. This was to the woman, business as usual, and whatever person had managed to find their way onto the ship wasn't her concern in the slightest. It was a uniquely free attitude this woman possessed in thinking about her guild.