Takumi was far too out of it to realize there was movement in the bed, not his own doing. As such, the arms around his body were a surprise the likes of which he could never have prepared for. 'What is...' he thought as the somewhat familiar flesh pressed against him. A voice emerged to fill the silence in this bedroom, confirming the identity of the culprit as Eira... again. Takumi's eyes were wide as she spoke to him. Her note for him not to scream was taken to heart right away, but he hadn't intended to scream regardless. At least, he wouldn't be doing any screaming outside his own head. Inside his head, however, he could not be any louder. Luckily, Eira soon released him and clothed herself, saving Takumi from thoughts of this interaction being anything more than it should have been.

Upon hearing how long he'd been unconscious, his state of shock grew more powerful. Suddenly, he had an explanation for the incredible hunger he felt beyond the sensation of his pulsing left arm. "Two weeks? But... I feel like I was just fighting. I just..." As he tried to explain himself, Takumi remembered the final moments of proper consciousness he had. He was without an arm, and then suddenly, he had one to use; one that felt a great deal more powerful than anything else at his disposal. These thoughts gave him enough clarity to look at his morphed arm and hand, and once again, the shock returned to him. "Wh-... what happened to my arm!?"