The Red Dragon Emperor, Takumi, certainly earned his beauty sleep over time. Just over two weeks passed from the moment he fell unconscious, to the moment he woke. The boy stirred until his eyes were open, and he immediately found himself in very foreign territory. The bed surrounding him was a great deal more massive and comfortable than any he'd ever had the pleasure of sleeping in, yet he knew not why he was in it at all. A groan escaped him as he forced himself into an upright sitting position, pressing his right hand against his face. This was normally an action Takumi used his left hand for, but something felt strange. His left arm was absolutely throbbing from elbow to fingertips. Why was this? He couldn't quite remember why, but he felt it was something major. In this groggy state of his, Takumi didn't seem to have the clarity of mind to check said arm. If he did, perhaps he would have realized his Boosted Gear was in a semi-constant state of being, much like its Twice Critical form, and the skin that showed on the arm around it bore the scales of a Dragon.