It seemed her brother's tale had come to an end and surprisingly, Sibylla had managed to take in all necessary information without becoming overbearing. One would think this particularly pointed in the case of the apparent random disappearance of the young Asher. She'd taken all necessary information in stride and had no doubt she could now formulate proper rounds and regimes for her newest members to help them further their goals. That being said, there was one more piece of information she needed according to Dior. His words stated that the spirit picked up by Junon was likely one of the most substantial things taken from a dungeon in quite a long time. This was to be expected as spirit mages were rare in and of themselves but beyond this the news that the staff which Asher now possessed a staff which seemed to be connected to the dungeon he'd taken it from gave the girl a bit of pause. "A staff connected to the magic which created that dungeon... like Archer?" the words left her mouth and she seemed stunned. There was a single individual who had that kind of ability, but it was also directly related to all of his capabilities. Perhaps, there would be time to pay him a visit and get some extra information. But that would be a lot to bring to a member of another Squad even if they were about the same age. "Sou ka, arigatou Dior. You can enjoy the rest of this, and make sure you get some rest too... even if you don't feel like it. You need to rest too, at least before tomorrow when you three will likely be called before the Magic Emperor," she said, and then Sibylla stood, excusing herself to walk away with extreme purpose.

There was someone else she needed to see, and now that she knew the whereabouts of all of her siblings she could go without any weight on her heart. As such when she left Dior's presence she took several long and twisting hallways before she began to ascend up a winding staircase which would seem to some as if it was endless. At the top of this staircase was a single wooden door, which was locked from the outside. A gentle turn of the locking mechanism would allow this door to swing open. And when it did, Sibylla would enter it. The room itself was average for what one could expect of this dwelling nothing in it seemed like it was outlandish. The only exception to this, was against the farthest wall in the form of a giant ornate mirror. She slowly drew closer to this mirror each step would bring her closer and closer until her steely silver eyes would meet whatever she expected to find there.