Heero yawned again and stretched against the couch. He was hoping the initiation wouldn't occur so soon, but it couldn't be helped. Unsurprisingly, Raina chose to question his choice to allow this occurrence. "Probably. She wants to fight, and she was gonna get this one whether she wanted it or not. It's basically a rule at this point to go through this initiation," he said. This may not have been the answer Raina wanted, but it was all he had for her now. Moments later, he was dragging himself off the couch to follow Artem, Hikage, and apparently Leonis as well to the building's exterior.

Once both he and Hikage were outside, Artem took another bite of turkey and began to chew. In the meantime, he showed an open grimoire. "Kemono Mahō: Rainoserasu Āmā," he chanted. Mana suddenly encased Artem's body, taking physical shape in the form of a rhinoceros. He remained within this armored form while continuing to eat. His following words would be shared from behind the defensive barrier. "OK. Hit me."