"Hai. Once we've got that out of the way, we can start scouting for any other activity in the village," Bastien said when Wendy decided to call the capital and alert them of these strange people. He was vaguely familiar with House Vaude, and was almost certain these people didn't have servants leaving their estate en masse as these people were. Just the same, the likely wouldn't have hired such suspicious-looking individuals. Little could he have known, these people had done away with their actual new staff members to impersonate them, and effectively made this a proper inside job. Wendy's call to the capital was promptly answered by a male with blue hair and a red tattoo overlapping his right eye. "Command here; Jellal Fernandes. Wendy Marvel, was it? Do you have any additional information?" the man asked.

Just then, the very same silver-haired male who'd been wandering in a different direction from Wendy and Bastien, stepped out in front of Wendy. "Disregard that," he said to the man named Jellal. "We'll take care of it right away. Leave everyone else to make sure nothing else is going on in the village," he concluded. This prompted a nod from Jellal, who knew this Magic Knight well. The communication link would be ended right away, leaving the silver-haired male to address the other two Magic Knights now in his company. "You two are with me. Good job finding this problem; now it's time we did something about it."