"Hai. I have my own life now, just like Tou-san said," the boy replied. He seemed alight with joy to be here in his own form, freed even from his own internal bindings by the fact that he was something more than the original personality resting within Takumi's subconscious. Even though he had the memories of the other Takumi, he felt no direct connection to them as if they had to influence the way he was now. Such was the benefit of the infant spirit being merged into him. "Ano... I don't think I want anyone dead. I was still only just born. I have memories from before, but... that's it."

"That is exactly what happened. Why it was able to happen is what concerns me." Sirtreize released his hold on the woman and rubbed his chin in thought, pacing around the room he'd been summoned to. There were an infinite number of unknowns to consider about the creation of this Calamity Child, but more worrying was the fact that it existed as a product of two people the Underworld already expected too much from. "I'm not sure if telling them would even be for the best. We certainly can't let the rest of the Underworld find out about this, or Eira will become the instant key to restoring our forces and winning the war. But... at the same time, I should want that as a Satan. Yare yare. I keep being forced to decide which job I believe is more important to me."