'Weird. I might actually understand this shit. If that's how it is, though...' Yugi's thoughts never ceased. As much as he would have preferred spending his time thinking of more enjoyable things, that was a train of thought best avoided for the time being. If he kept mulling over the thought of being found, he'd wind up thinking himself into a situation which ruined the puzzle... and by virtue of that, the initial purpose. Never could he throw himself out there. Either Kimiko found him herself, or he would forever be left with questions he couldn't even bring himself to ask, or believe any positive answers to.

And so, he continued giving consideration to these powers and organizations. He was at the cusp of something potentially great; logic was at least on his side. The lad wasn't sure when he'd be able to test things for himself, but he figured it would have to be with something small, if he even showcased any special abilities. "Wrath. If something is triggered, consequences are selected at random... RNG," he mused. "The power itself is the ability to rewrite, though. It should be as simple as choosing the second criteria, directing repercussions to a specific target that can take the equal opposing force of the first action. It's just a basic lateral if I look at it that way," he said, comparing the situation itself to a puzzle. "Hmm. More like a game mechanic. I guess that should have always been the case, huh?"

The more he thought about the scenario, the more he thought it would be necessary to run tests for himself. He was given reason to believe his abilities from the other world could be accessed here in some capacity, but he wondered which ones. A single assumption could be made about something, at least. If it worked, he would have a very interesting answer to everything that came his way.