"It doesn't have to be fair. It's true, so that makes it fine, right?" Yugi questioned. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing unfair about his claim. She'd put him in this situation many times, and a fun bit of revenge was nothing to shake a stick at, so to speak. Either way, Kimiko obviously didn't have any actual complaints to present. No, embarrassment could be considered the same as... overenjoyment. That seemed right. Yugi could carry on uninterrupted while knowing she was, in spite of her words, having an even better time than he expected she would.

Kimiko had been granted some newfound freedom of movement, and what would she do with it? She moved, of course. His own efforts were met to some effect by hers, which could have become a very dangerous thing in little to no time at all. Less was required of him as far as effort was concerned, but this also resulted in a far stronger sensation than what Yugi would have given himself. Was this planned? It could have been, but he couldn't tell. All he knew was, he was starting to hope Kimiko climbed the proverbial latter a bit more quickly this time, lest he have to take pause preemptively. Maybe this newfound effort was not fully to blame. No, maybe part of it was what she had to say as response to him. "You make it sound like you're going to actually stick with that. I'm prone to boners in public, y'know? That's pretty dangerous~" he stated. Yugi could only imagine the most awkward scenarios, like dining out or something of the sort when being addressed like that. Strangely, though... it wasn't a thought that registered negatively in his head, despite any dangers it possessed.