Hearing that he wasn't the only one experiencing an undue amount of torture via this interaction, Yugi felt relief. Sadly, this did nothing to quell the seeking of his loins, nor the incomprehensible power his libido aimed to exercise over him. Either he was at the precipice of some sphere in Heaven, or a circle of Hell, and he couldn't tell which would be entered if things progressed any further. How did people actually deal with this sort of feeling on a daily basis? Were the people who claimed they did just liars? Yugi never expected the amount of ridiculousness found in the media he observed, but his poor, virgin mind could hardly fathom even normalcy at this point!

It felt as if movements were becoming easier... and they were. Moisture produced by the loins of Kimiko reduced friction between them, yet simultaneously provided something more reminiscent of penetration as far as Yugi's imagination gathered. One simple shift, and they would be in a very different situation. Yugi's mind even tried to convince him that it would be a good idea, to shift his hips to one side or another, as if to bypass the girl's undergarments and enter her. Those thoughts needed silencing. The only thing he had to distract himself with, was aggression. As his tongue traced its way along Kimiko's neck, he made the decision to sink his teeth into her nape instead. All the while, his hands were grasping her hips quite firmly, fingers sinking deeper and deeper into the softest flesh he found. Did it work? Time would soon tell.