It strangely took about twenty minutes for him to do so, but Yugi eventually managed to compose himself. What time was it? Where the hell did he throw his clock this time? Ah, it was still near his computer... which had been left on since the previous night. Stumbling his way over, he checked to realize it was nearly noon, and thought to inspect his computer for any game he'd left running after all that random debauchery the previous night. "Ugh. I never wanted coffee so bad in my life," he said, almost as if he expected there to be a listener. Actually... was there someone to hear his words? Yugi became alert, scanning the room for the lass he'd spent almost the entire previous day with. There were no signs of her; could she have been in the bathroom? "Oi!" he called out.

No answer came after a few seconds. With that, he assumed Kimiko was no longer within this little box of a home he had. That was fine. She probably had school and life obligations to deal with, so he couldn't have expected her to remain overnight. If that were the case, though... it would've been quite nice, he thought. With his sudden coffee-related craving, he was in the midst of wondering if she'd fancy a cup. She probably would. Moving on though, a quick inspection of the computer let him see the open note left behind on his screen. Ah, that explained his current situation. He'd managed to pass out in the night, so she took her leave to start her next day properly. Sadly though, there was a phone number attached to the note. His phone... oh. Well, there certainly wouldn't be any texting done. More importantly, Yugi was finally realizing the repercussions of his earlier actions. "Fuck! I can't afford a new phone!" he exclaimed, head in his hands while grinding his teeth. He should really stop reacting to things in the spur of a moment, but it was too late to dwell on that now. He didn't really need a phone anyway. He didn't have 'friends' to keep in contact with, and Kimiko seemed more than capable when it came to locating him whenever necessary. Luckily, her instruction to send a text wasn't for the sake of confirming a meeting between them. Kimi's plan was to meet with him, and it seemed she intended to do so as long as he didn't have reason to cancel. That was so... her. "Huh. Wonder when I should be expecting that. How long does a teen business tycoon spend at work?" he wondered aloud.

Now that he thought about it, Yugi was further curious about his situation. It was such a random thought, but... the previous day had left him thinking about a lot of things. As such, he sat at his computer and leaned back, looking into the ceiling and speaking to ears he wasn't sure were there. "Oi! You still keeping my place bugged?"