Twelve rose, and twelve fell. Rather, one fell while eleven others fell apart. Only King Eon remained, and he rose while the energies from his minions returned home. There was something in his way. Aerona's wires were in direct contact with him when he stood, and they were draining him of his energy in a very direct fashion. Even as this occurred, he didn't seem perturbed at all. This body, it knew of the abilities Aerona possessed; it was there during her development. He found this drain of Mana to be nothing more than an annoyance, as he powered his way through even the energy-draining invisible strings. His sword rose, and its descent brought with it a shockwave of sheer force which tore through the air. It wasn't Mana, but instead a vacuum created by the movement's power alone. Its target was none other than Aerona herself, but Aeronius was at her right side with Gravity Magic in place to pull her from its path.

In the meantime, Amakusa seemed to be in deep thought. A lack of concern painted his face, his train of thought centered only on the movement of all present. "The sword is more dangerous than the King. Most of his abilities are channeled through it."