'It would be too weird, right? I can't do that with a reptile! I don't even... well... never mind,' said Kou. At the end of his message toward Miki, he turned away from both her and Karna, the latter of whom was beginning to say some rather bothersome things. "Hoh? Don't want that either, huh? Shame. I thought we'd all get to watch," the male spoke when it became clear neither of these two would willingly fall to the debauchery desired by the Lizardfolk. Miki even went a step beyond, demanding visual confirmation of these ancient texts spoken of. "I'm a member of your Party, you know? You should trust me more," he went on, clicking his fingers to have one of the Lizardmen nearby collect the ancient stone slab containing the Lizardfolk prophecy of ascension. Once it was before the Adventurers, Kou viewed it and noted that it was in a language he couldn't hope to understand. At this point, it was Karna who had more to say. "I'm assuming you can't read the old language of the Marsh People. It says 'The day the mate-less Ancestors bless these lands with their touch, the tribe will take the Ancestors' form.' History has determined that the closest thing the Lizardfolk get to an Ancestral form, is the form of a Dragonewt."