"Distraction, huh? Hmm... gotcha," Kou said, having already decided exactly what he was going to do. A sly grin crossed his face during the exchange with the Chieftain, who seemed saddened by the idea that his son might not return alive. Only a moment after said interaction, Miki began her assault on the bone army settled into the surrounding area, resulting in an expression of shock by the Chieftain. "What is this!?" the Lizardman questioned. Kou had every opportunity to explain thereafter, but instead... he chose to carry out his own plan. With his right hand raised high overhead, he flashed a bright smile. "Alright chums, let's do this!" he chanted. By slamming his hand on the ground beneath him, Kou invoked the summoning for the Ryuuko mount, Xerxes... or, as its alternative name would be spoken...

"LEEROOOOOOOOY~!!!" The mount appeared in a burst of Mana beneath Kou, roaring in a way that would stun the surrounding enemies as the Ryuuko slammed the ground, sending out a shockwave to launch them into the open. "Masters! I will aide you!" it spoke, much to the surprise of Kou. "Wait... WHAT!?"