In answer to her question, Miki received an in-depth response from Kou. He claimed that he'd done enough puzzles to feel occasionally like he could feel the intentions of them. He felt that this one was crafted with care so that those who went to the Sacred Tree could know and understand the Fairies, and their way of life and eventually become accepted by them. He also claimed that though it likely contained death traps those were deterrents for potential evil-doers and for those who didn't want to learn. Hearing such an optimistic outlook on the situation they were currently in, gave Miki quite a bit of insight into the lad known as Kou. "Sou ka... well, it seems like you're pretty optimistic. I don't really do puzzles that often, so I don't really feel that way, but I understand feeling intent through action. I think I can sort of understand what you're getting at, even though I haven't experienced it in relation to the same thing..." Miki concluded. She wasn't sure if she had said exactly what she meant, but she couldn't have found a better way to say it.

Soon enough they would find themselves standing at the foot of a wide collection of the roots of the Sacred Tree. Beyond this there were three pullable levers which would increase the water flow of the area eventually flooding the entire bottom of it out with the two adventurers here. As Miki looked at this puzzle she seemed to be a bit at ease. It was strange but something about the layout of the gears and straights looked a bit familiar to her. As she looked at each of them she saw within them something different. "This... looks really familiar to me..." Miki said as her eyes traced the different routes she could see she wondered what Kou would have to say about this puzzle and if it would help her figure out why it looked familiar.