Both Adventurers left the shop without needing another thing. Kou had seen a map of the area in the middle of the street numerous times, so he knew there was a quick reference to where this Cidna Mine was. As he moved toward one of the map boards, Miki spoke on the topic of his situation analysis. "It didn't take much. Like I said... there's something rich people like having, and everybody who's not at the very top is missing it in some way," he said, stopping his clause while stopping in front of a city map. Once he was certain which direction the mine was in, he began walking off while continuing his speech. "Rich people want more for less, and they know those who don't have as much will do more for less. For every piece of Magisteel he gets from us, he'll make hundreds of gold. I doubt it's dangerous or impossible, but think about all the other miners we'll be competing with to get those crystals. It also bugs me that he said if we make it back, though."