Though it took a bit longer than Kou would have preferred, the Fairy Queen seemed to be progressing toward a reasonable conclusion thanks to the interjection of each Adventurer. Dakini agreed to take them on as her ambassadors when dealing with the Dwarves, but she was also quick to vacate the premises after coming to said conclusion. Kou looked on in awe, holding out his hand as if he intended to halt the queen with his actions... but alas, she was gone. "Wai-... ugh! I didn't mean we should be left to do it alone. This is gonna be awkward," he said as he turned toward Miki. "We definitely just opened a weird subplot. Buuut... if we finish this off, we could just get Dakini to hand over the sap you need for your gear. Unless the Dwarves aggro on us, which I'm pretty sure they will do, we might have an easier time than we thought. Either way, let's get moving before more guards show up and blame us for a prison break," he continued, ending his clause there whilst making every effort to escape the mine and grab an armful of Magic Crystals en route to the exit.