

Nuhokoguren 瓊矛紅蓮 (Jewelled Spear Crimson Lotus Flower): In its sealed form is an Odachi with a long straight blade. It has a red colored wrap and a guard which bears resembelance to an open lotus flower.


At the release command Hae (Crawl), with the meeting of the end of the blade and the sheathe the weapon transforms into a long jewelled spear, crimson in color with a large flat blade. It appears to be meant for stabbing actions and not wide sweeps.

  • Shikai Special Ability: ??? It is unknown presently what the special ability of this Zapakutou is, Mai hasn't yet discovered it and when asked about it, says that her zanpakuto spirit is ill-tempered and would only provide her with the form, which she abuses for extended reach in combat.


  • Bankai Special Ability: