Miki listened to Kou as he spoke about the particulars concerning the looks of their Filolial. "That sounds amazing!~" she murmured. She spent sometime in her head trying to decide what gold or silver Filolials would look like. She'd seen a great number of them on the farm but none of them seemed to stand out a whole lot to her, except the teal one she'd chosen before. "Even if it's hard to figure out. It should still be a great bit of fun!~" she chimed holding on to the egg as she turned to look at some more items. It was nice being back to a somewhat normal amount of conversation, besides that she'd expected a bit more awkwardness from Kou than he was currently showing. Perhaps a couple other people around wasn't as bad as she thought it could be. Only a second later, Hikari appeared back at Miki's side, having given her input to the seamstress who was now in the back of the shop behind a curtain, sewing her hearts content on a few different mannequins. "Ano, she said she'd be done in a few minutes and we could finish looking around," said Hikari though she managed to look a bit huffy. "She wouldn't show me the sketch for my swimsuit..." she said frowning deeply. "Of course not, it's supposed to be a surprise. That one really likes that sort of thing, the look of happiness on someone else's face when they get something unexpected. She's great!~" mentioned Miki trying to take the lass' mind off the impending wait. "Anything else you think we'll need for the beach trip?" she asked content to let Hikari pick out towels, carrying accessories and other such things. "Hai hai. I'll take care of it. There are a couple other things... I'll look around~" the small girl said as she looked around the store. Miki chuckled after this. She'd never had any siblings and found the small girl to be adorable in her helpfulness and excitement.