And so, there was victory. The racer in third place fell to sixth, and Kou stood alongside Hikari while she claimed a rather interesting prize. There was a great deal of satisfaction to be taken from this, interestingly enough. It was good to see the lass, even in another form, being both happy and healthy. What better way to see that than in a state of victory in a fun little game?

The day continued, eventually resulting in the pair walking around and snacking on their own treats of preference. Kou had, once again, obtained a plate of fried dough to consume along the way. Between bites, he managed to pause his consumption long enough to answer Hikari's query. "Iie. It was a good time for me, and as long as you're good, I'm satisfied. If there's anything else you're up for though, let me know now. I'm coasting on a sugar high, so I've got the energy~" he said. True enough, every time they had gone to grab something to eat this day, Kou loaded whatever he had with sugar. He intended to make great use of that, mostly to finish his little project. However, he could easily make use of it for Hikari's sake as well, should she have the desire.