Apparently, the young CEO of Kaiba Corps didn't bother with vacations in the like. If said CEO had disappeared some time ago, and that very same man had recently developed and released a very innovative virtual reality hardware... there was a very real chance that his disappearance was no coincidence. Little could anyone know, the coincidences would soon be stacking atop one another very quickly...

He had to shake the thought. At least the gaming industry wouldn't be flipped upside-down by a disturbance in the balance between the top two companies, and there would be no issues with Age of Eternity due to the involvement of a third company: its creators. "I guess everything's fine then, but..."

Kou's thoughts didn't need to finish, as they manifested themselves immediately. The ear-splitting screech of a Dragon echoed throughout Atlantis, reaching the palace with ease. Floating over the streets was a great beast, a Dragon made of Magisteel flew. It seemed more of a Wyvern, but its size was certainly that of a Dragon. White in color, the metal beast boasted grand gems at the center of its body, and at each of its joints. Magical power surged from these gems through its interior, glowing through every crevice the creature had. On the ground below, was a tall male with slick brown hair, a black turtleneck with long sleeves containing double-belted biceps, black leather pants with matching pointed boots, and a very long, sleeveless and studded trench coat with a raised collar, emblazoned with the emblem 'KC' at its collar. A very advanced bit of technology adorned his left ear, seeming to be some blend of an earpiece and a control apparatus. Similar tech was upon his left arm as well, in the form of a slab featuring designs similar to the Dragon above.