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Thread: Atlantis

  1. #551
    As the Leviathan's soul transferred into the Artifact, the cube segments returned to one. The other Guardians vanished as well, and Diva coddled the cube as if tending to the Leviathan and those who resided with it in the afterlife. A tear was shed for their former plight, but it was all over now... for now, even. The remainder of the Leviathan's body could be used in whatever way the others needed, but Diva was satisfied exclusively by what he managed at the end of the battle.

    Kaiba Seto did far less than he imagined he'd have to, and it was... refreshing. So refreshing, in fact, that Seriri's query in the aftermath was something he didn't have any form of snarky comment toward. "Nothing at all. Good work today," he said, giving about as much of a compliment to the group as he was physically capable of. The entire group could carry on with their business as intended, with Kaiba knowing there was more for Bulma and himself to do. Perhaps... Diva could be of use, as well. Indeed, he'd have to see about the lad's involvement after returning to the tinkerer. First, he'd have to finish making his way back after banishing his Dragon.

  2. #552
    It seemed that everything was in order. And Kaiba even managed to give something of a compliment to the group at large, though it likely wouldn't seem that way to those who didn't know the lad. But his younger sister seemed to beam with excitement at the lad's words, as if she'd been given a present or perhaps the entire world. In fact, she was elated and would continue to be for the next few days.

    And a few days later Miki would be found in her room again. And once again she had in her hands the golden ball that she'd been given as a present. It was already open and projecting the map around the room. She'd visited the place closest to the orb itself and noted that it was the Dungeon they'd originally used to reach this Kingdom. Upon going there, she'd been able to enter it again without any issue and she'd looted it quite a bit more while she was there. "Alright, I've been to that place. So it shows me Dungeons and lets me enter and exit them. Even lock them up... that's pretty cool," she said finally doing something strange and poking the map image of the same golden ball she held in her hands. Doing so caused something strange to happen and Miki was transported into the space which was marked by the map. She landed on her butt in the middle of a white room and there was nothing to be seen here, except a podium. "Hoh? The map leads to a room... and there's a thing in the room. And it's for me?!" she seemed excited about the prospect but also a bit nervous. 'What do I do? Do I get up and go look at it? Wait calm down.' The girl said to herself.

  3. #553
    In this few days, Kou remained unconscious. His Mana had become less unstable than it had been days before, though its consistency was quite... different to what he'd come to produce since entering the world. Gone was that air of mysterious being beyond his human part, leaving what seemed to be more like a mutated human than anything. He wasn't awake quite yet, but he did seem rather close to consciousness at last. Sadly, Miki was soon gone from beneath his head. At least the reason was her teleportation to the treasury he designed for her sake. Veritably empty though it may have been at the time, the single podium at the center contained a necklace with an unorthodox type of charm attached. Rather, it could more easily said that instead of a charm or pendant, it possessed a puzzle of sorts: a helix puzzle in varying layers. Upon being unlocked, it would take on a new form that was an Artifact in its own right. Had Kou been awake, he would have been capable of explaining this... but no, he wouldn't have done so regardless. This was the remains of his self-offering to the lass, in response to her doing the same previously.

  4. #554
    Miki wouild have appreciated having Kou around to question a bit. Though she didn't know if he'd answer her, she'd enjoy just having him there while she rambled until she came to something resembling an answer. "Okay, deep breaths. It is just a room after all. But why a room?" she asked herself as she stood, markedly avoiding looking at that center podium for just a second. "This place is really huge. Like a vault or a storage locker. If I can go back and forth here, it'd be a great place to hide all the loot I collect. And hell even somewhere to store all the coins I definitely shouldn't be carrying around..." she mused. This place seemed infinite to her, the space felt much larger than even she could see, but the room itself didn't seem abnormal. "It's bigger on the inside." That saying was a bit strange, she'd only heard it in a particular sci-fy show she watched from time to time, that she happened to be a bit behind on at present. Too bad, this place didn't have tv, it could have given her something to do while she was bored before.

    As she mused over this she steeled her own nerve, finally making her way over to the podium but still not looking directly at it. "Okay, okay. You're a big girl... the worst it could be is like a letter that says fuck off, right? That'd be fucking heart breaking. So as long as it's not that... we can deal with it... Miki!" she'd said her original name but it seemed that the Nexus wasn't accepting that as belonging to her anyways. Regardless, she looked towards the podium and found a piece of jewelry. This wasn't uncommon. Kou was particularly gifted at making such things. In this particular case, it appeared to be a necklace with a strange pendant on it. It being here meant it was for her. "Wheew. I really psyched myself out there. Then this is for me too? A gift within a gift... and a puzzle within a puzzle..." she said moving around the pieces that made up the pendant but not being able to simply shift them. She'd never completed this type of puzzle before. She wondered over the significance of it, as she picked it up. She got a feel for it with her hand and came to know that it too was something greater than it appeared. "Well its obviously for me. I'll figure it out. I guess the space might be too? I mean, he wouldn't have made it possible for me to get to it, if he didn't want me to have it, right?" she asked herself. Whatever the case, having claimed this thing she came for, she'd continue looking at the podium finding it to have a strange groove within, every similar to the one created by her interaction with the dungeon. "Hoh? Is this how I leave then? I guess I am done for now..." her other hand had the golden ball within, and as such, she placed it into the space when she did, it lit up, and before she knew it, she was placed back where she'd been in the world before this moment, though a slight change in position had occurred. Instead of being under Kou's head and acting as his pillow. She was now left standing atop the bed, with her legs on either side of Kou's face, she might have been worried about this lad getting a very intimate 'up-skirt' view of her, but as far as she knew he was still sleeping. "Jeez, if I had known that would happen, I would have done it after getting out of bed," she muttered to herself.

  5. #555
    Kou had no concept of existence in his lack of consciousness, but it seemed that was beginning to return to him. Naturally, it came together at a strange time. He began to feel the touch of consciousness, all because he felt... movement? Something was pulling him down, as if the very thing supporting him was being compressed around his location. 'Did I finally black out?' he wondered within the confines of his own mind. He entertained the thought that he'd lost consciousness, and Hikari had fallen onto a bed next to him. But... no, that wasn't right. It definitely felt like, if it was a bed beneath him, there was someone standing above him. Indeed, there had to be a foot on either side of him. Perhaps it was Hikari, waiting to gloat over something the moment he woke up. Having this in mind, he opened his eyes slowly, anticipating the tanuki's face to be right in front of his.

    Alas, this was not the case. When his eyes opened, there was something in his line of sight... but it wasn't Hikari at all. It wasn't a face either, no; this was the underside of... Miki? That was undoubtedly the voice he could hear as he stirred. It hadn't taken him long to realize what he was looking at, but he also couldn't bring himself to look away. Instead, he sat there with wide eyes and an open mouth, clearly nothing short of dumbfounded by what was happening in these waking moments. "Uh-... ah... eto..."

  6. #556
    Miki had spoken to herself about her placement after her visit to the white room. Of course, she should have moved already from the position standing around Kou's head, but she was mostly trying to figure out how to do it without prematurely waking him. 'Hm, if I move too much he might wake up before he's ready. I don't really want that, but... still there isn't much I could do besides...' whatever idea the lass was starting to have about moving without walking the lad. He was making noises like he was awake. In fact there was actual speech there. She tentatively looking down her body, over her own chest and towards her feet taking note that the lad's line of sight was a rather direct view up her skirt and his eyes were quite open at this point. "Of course... I'm busy trying to figure out how not to wake you and you're already awake..." she said calmly.

    Still there was a hidden bit of panic in the lass, or perhaps excitement? Whatever the case, her face was immediately red, and her thoughts were very strange. 'I wonder if he likes this angle. Actually that's a terrible thing to think, he just woke up... If he likes it though... that's probably good right?' she thought while trying to move. "I didn't really mean to end up like this. It was the other way around before," she mentioned knowing that if she hadn't left via teleport she'd have been underneath him when he woke instead of flashing him her entire undercarriage. "Just... one second..." she aimed to move both of her legs to the right side of the lad's body. Even so the bed had a bit more give from this position so she was soon falling on her rear, though she'd rather quickly recover as well. "Ohayou..." she managed though she was still blushing rather intensely. She simply accepted that it was part of their sharing a room. Her falling out of bed, blushing or having some sort of perverted blunder she then had to hide quickly behind a light lie.

  7. #557
    What could he even say? There was nothing he could do, at least consciously. Miki's statement seemed about as normal as anything, yet she also seemed somewhat hesitant. What she could have been thinking while her face reddened in such a way, he did not know. Either way, she eventually moved. Whatever she was experiencing, he seemed to feel a moment of relief. That was officially one crisis he was able to avoid, though... it wasn't as if he would have minded further exposure to the scenario. "Ah... right-" he said, seeming to gather himself somewhat as he rose to sit. There was something Miki said, though. "Other way around?" he repeated with curiosity. Perhaps it was his recent waking which resulted in a lack of clarity, or perhaps it was something else. Regardless, his train of thought was more literal than it likely should have been. His physical response may have shown this, due to the second wave of shock that overcame him.

    Moving on was probably for the best, he thought. Yes, he could do that with minimal difficulty. "Ohayou..." the male muttered at last. "Guess I tired myself out. All those festivities."

  8. #558
    It seemed all was well. Some sort of strange perverted tangent had been mostly averted, not that Miki would have minded such a thing. To be honest her own mind seemed to lead itself down such paths without much of an issue. But something she'd said seemed to rouse curiosity in the recently woken lad. She wasn't looking at him initially, but the intensity of the questioning made her shift her gaze in his direction. In so doing, she revealed a curiosity in her own visage. What could he have been thinking she meant by this statement. "Hai! Until I left a few minutes ago, I was sitting here like this..." she mentioned softly. "With your head in my lap," she mentioned, not realizing that if he'd woken that way, he would have instead been looking around her breasts and through her almost sheer dress at a very close angle instead. Soon after stating this realized it probably sounded weird. "I mean like a pillow!" she followed up. Though it technically wouldn't have been the first time the lad had used her as such, it was entirely her decision. "But not like the whole time. I've had to go a few places since then and do some things..." she spoke rather quickly. She didn't know why but it always felt like she was saying or doing something perverted accidentally around this lad. Whatever the case, her face seemed to be remaining in a deep shade of red. But she would carry on as if this was fine, as if she didn't notice how her face likely looked.

    Moving right along, it seemed that the lad now conscious was at least aware that he'd been unconscious for a while. And too well invested in the festivities of the past week. "Oh I know. This..." she said revealing the golden sphere in one hand as if amused by it still. "Is really astonishing. It took me a bit... but I really enjoyed figuring out how it worked. You must have done something crazy for it to end up like this, and for you to end up sleeping so long afterwards..." she said softly, still the method in which she was speaking seemed to make her more involved in it. "I thought at first you'd gone too far... but I was really happy. I am pretty sure you're the only person to ever give me something I didn't ask for and make it something I could find useful and enjoyable," she mentioned, twisting her head. Thinking about it, she wasn't just talking about this orb, but also the earrings she currently wore fit the same level of present in her mind. "Still, I'm not quite finished with it yet... I had hoped to have figured it all out by the time you woke up, but I only just got inside to get to this one... " she mentioned of the necklace she was holding in her other hand. By the time she'd finished she was calm enough to be looking happily in the lad's direction and on her face was the most genuine smile.

  9. #559
    Kou's mind was already in the wrong place. Miki's initial explanation of how they'd been positioned before he woke, well... it didn't produce a visual in his mind that he'd openly share. Luckily, he didn't have to mull over these interesting thoughts for very long. Miki soon enough righted her original statement with some specification. At the very least, that amount of clarity put him at ease. He would have had quite the issue with such a thing happening while he was unconscious. Though, perhaps it was related simply to the fact that he was unconscious during? It was possible. "Ah. Sou ka," he said, rustling his own hair in a moment of reflection.

    There was something of great interest to be noted so recently after Kou rose. Miki brought to his attention the fact that she'd completed the puzzle he offered her prior to his fall. The lad seemed very shocked upon hearing this, and in fact, he wondered what this could have meant. How long had he been unconscious? It didn't matter much, as it seemed Miki was content with her Artifact regardless, and she'd managed to locate the treasury inside as well... but his curiosity remained strong. "You... opened it? How long was I out?"

  10. #560
    Kou took the explanation provided by the blonde without thinking too much about it. At least, that was how it looked to Miki. She could deal with that of course, as it made it much easier for her to continue talking. While she did, she watched the lad seemingly wake himself up. Becoming more conscious by the minute, ruffling his own hair and all. In this moment she was brought back to her initial thoughts upon seeing the lad, he really was quite attractive. Adding his personality to that made him Miki's top pick, over any others that she'd come across.

    Soon there was curiosity in the lad, asking if she'd opened the puzzle which was the orb in her hand which she'd tentatively started referring to as her personal treasure map. She looked at him with wide eyes. She didn't expect curiosity from him about that, especially in relation to how long he'd been unconscious. "Hai... uh... you've been out for four days total, but that is way less time than we thought it would be," she said softly. She'd been quite worried when the lad had passed out the way he had. Regardless, she also felt the need to explain her process a bit as far as the puzzle itself was concerned. "And yes, I managed to open it the morning after you passed out. When Tsu-chan confirmed you'd be alright I brought you here to sleep. I didn't have anything else to do. And spent a while looking at it. It took a few hours the first time but I was able to make the map appear," she said remembering talking herself through the rather intricate puzzle and learning the lines, grooves and buttons of it. Memorizing them and using the power of her mind to work through to making the whole thing light up. "I started having an easier time of it when I started using math to do it..." she said. She was unsure of the methods the lad used to do it, but Miki herself was fond of math and understood numbers and number based puzzles rather easily. There was a piece of math that was applicable to most three-dimensional puzzle shapes called God's Algorithm and being somewhat familiar with it she'd calculated how many moves she would need to get the globe to show the map.

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