Once again, Tamamo could practically feel the lad thinking through his options. Even as they approached a poorly lit corridor she looked down it with nothing but thoughts of deviance. She didn't even bother trying to shake them off, unlike her other selves. Also, it seemed that the lad stopped his own statement once more, or rather the repeat of the one she just said. It seemed like the lad was at war within himself, what would win out in this case? It seemed at least his physical reaction said it would be his body but he posed another question to the kitsune which caused her expression to soften gently. She shifted around him in this moment. Once she was before him, she looked him in the eye closing the distance between their bodies and reaching out for the side of his face. "I said it before didn't I?" she asked though she had no problem reiterating herself so that there could be nothing but clarity between them. "I can be like this... with you," she said softly. "Rather, I can show you all of who I am and offer that to you~" Tamamo said while looking very directly at the lad, her golden eyes glittered with several emotions but the base didn't change.

Tamamo was simply more direct than her other selves managed to be because of her own disposition. She'd show him all of herself for a couple reasons, because she liked him and didn't want to be dishonest. She enjoyed knowing that he liked her and wanted to experience the things she fantasized about with him. Their current predicament was such a moment as one which appeared in her mind as a potential to be explored. So, why not goad the lad into a bit of fun, and help him and herself out in the process? Why couldn't they both have fun and get work done? "I know it probably seems like a lot, but... we are both kind of a lot," she said looking at the lad directly. Her basic premise was always the same. She offered herself to the lad, at every turn, this version of her, was just a bit more direct about what it was she was actually offering. The kind of person to not only take advantage of a situation that presented itself, but to make the situation if she wanted the experience enough.