A girl? Interesting. She seemed rather aggressive, much like any Oni his source would have encountered so many generations ago. Shuten was right; they could have started with her. Why was that pointless thing in her mouth, though? The fangs of this girl must have been considered a danger of some sort, but the reason was lost to him. One could only wonder why Oni would reject one of their own strengths. "I guess we shoul─" Giyu silenced himself abruptly as an arrow zipped between Shuten and himself. His eyes followed the 'warning' shot's path, finding its source just in time to hear the white-haired Oni's speech to the siblings, and to their... host, so to speak.

What this woman had to say... it was interesting. The one called Rengoku was not what one should seek the attention of without great purpose, but the important thing spoken was that he noticed the gagged, hornless Oni among them. Giyu set his gaze upon this new face, piecing together small bits of information. Surely, there was something she noticed about them. What then, made their situation comparable to that of the gagged girl? 'Think, think,' he mused internally. His source did recall something, one strange reason a young Oni would be gagged. If they had particularly powerful abilities of a magical nature, they could sometimes manifest in dangerous ways before being controlled. Perhaps then...

"... How did you keep him from noticing you, while managing to get so close?"