"Hai hai," she said in confirmation of the idea that she was just checking their likeness. If she was being fair, it was one of the few things she did to make sure that this lad and her had similar enough interests. Beyond that point, she also wished for him to realize a bit that the direction of her previous Avatar was limited a bit by its existence. This version of herself was a bit closer to her usual self, and she needed confirmation of his acceptance.

It seemed her mention the previous night caused some strange shift in the lad's thoughts. She couldn't be certain, but it seemed that he considered they could do the same as they were now and have a different outcome. This was somewhat true as this version of the lass would be fairly direct about what she wanted. But she wouldn't get to dwell on this for very long. She spoke on the ease of her outfit shifts, causing the lad to begin thinking again. It was clear on his face that he had several ideas in mind, but he seemed to narrow down his speech to just asking her a question. "Oh, well anything... I could go for something more mainland you seemed to like that well enough," she said with a wink. "Oh, or school girl chic, that one seems like it'd be a bit of a winner. I also have a ridiculous amount of lingerie so all types of that as well~" she chimed the last in their whispered conversation. The whole of this time, Kuroka had been watching and she saw this interaction evolve and devolve several times. It was obvious to her whatever they were talking about wasn't meant for anyone else to hear, but it was obviously something very important. She thought about the things she knew of Ashikaga Kimiko and wondered if the lad fit all of her preferences, 'Well... he is a teen boy, it can't be that hard to find someone who will let her properly express herself... She still reads those manga too, she's probably developed a few deviant quirks. Hell the whole Youkai Fox thing is kind of Deviant when being played so obviously like a seductress.' the thoughts of the doctor raced a bit as she came to a couple of conclusions. 'Still, she seems to have focus. I always figured she would, that alone will stop another one of... those.' she cut her eyes thinking about a specific kind of girl that was the bane of the existences of all other girls.