Kuroka watched as this pair of young teens seemed to be having a good time. Rimuru also was enjoying himself. His teasing nature seemed to not hit the blonde lass the wrong way, and it could be said with a reasonable amount of authority that Miki thought the boy to be a friend, whether she'd admit it or not. But for the raven-haired lass, there was something else more interesting and she was seeing it play out before her eyes. The interactions between Kou and Miki were paramount to a functional relationship. It was an amazing thing to witness, besides that she was receiving more insight into the lad by how he chose to act.

Miki also had insight on Kou, but it was more expected for her. In fact, he seemed to take her words about what it took for her to obtain the object to heart. For the second time, he uttered an anime attack name, while aiming to do something within his own power. Such an action caused excited laughter from Miki from her position atop her pillow. "Sugoi sugoi!" she couldn't stop herself from clapping her hands together like an excited child amused beyond all reason at the reference. "I loved that one. A bit too focused on the tournaments but the attacks were top notch..." that series had produced for her one of her first proper crushes. In the meantime, Kuroka couldn't help but analyze the situation. 'Anime references. What the laymen would call "nerd behavior". Both of them seeming to find it entertaining.' she thought about the whole situation, and came to the conclusion that Kou and Miki had compatibility at several levels. Their interests aligned and they had skills that made up for each others lack. Miki a collector, Kou a creator. Miki a business person, Kou a very obvious politician. It was like watching a matched pair of individuals move together through the world. But who in her patients list fit such a type, with the necessary free time to have the same sort of knowledge of anime and an overtly busy mind. People were being eliminated left and right as she sorted through the lists of her mind to find a name and a real face to attach to this lad's avatar.