Kiss... accepted. That was good, but it was only the first step. The Kitsune considered that it was of the utmost importance that the follow through until the lad's release, to clear his mind of the thoughts about her which plagued him. Did she consider at all that doing such a thing might make it worse in the long run? No. In the long term, they could have each other without needing to handle every single problem this world had to offer. In her own mind, they could eventually fall into a nice day to day life and have nothing better to do than indulge. Having such thoughts of the future, made it so that she could in her mind carry-on, as such, this would be but a snack on their way to the full course meal. Her hand continued to rub against him as their lips met, a small break between their mouths would allow the lass to move forward. She was chasing a certain idea in her head, and this was about the start. She ran her tongue gently over his bottom lip, begging permission to take this make-out session to the next level. She didn't have much practice with this so to speak, but she read enough smut to know it would probably help along the process. If this summons was answered, she'd gently slip her tongue into the lad's mouth, aiming to wrestle hers against his and by virtue of that dominating this part of the interaction initially. Her cheeks flushed, though they'd kissed before and gone even farther, perhaps... these moments of increased intimacy were worth looking forward to. All the while she left her mouth open enough for exploration, if the lad was willing to try and navigate past her fanged teeth.