"Sorry to disappoint," he quipped, still seeming decently amused by the situation as a whole. Moving on to her 'Sith Lord' reference, he found his laughter renewed, though gently enough that he could comfortably remove his hand from his mouth. "I'd sooner say a Jedi, considering," he said in reference to the very same media Miki spoke of. "To say 'only a Sith deals in absolutes' is sort of... well... ignorant, isn't it?"

Soon enough, Miki managed to preserve the balance in the Underworld by taking something from it. No, that wasn't quite right; she created something by interfacing with the Underworld itself. Of course, that very thing wound up being a cage. As if Enkidu needed more proof of the bond they would one day create, which had already been initiated; this item was the solidifying factor in its own right. "Sou... ka. Yes, it's certainly for you. Suba..." He said nothing more, choosing to follow suit on Miki's route to the exit. He'd spent more than enough time here, and though he wasn't worried about the friend he mentioned, he was still keen to reunite.